

Monday, August 11, 2014

Lean On Me

When I moved to Utah in 2009, my eyes were opened to all the amazing natural attractions in the western region.  One of these places was the gorgeous Havasupai Falls in Arizona.  It is extremely difficult to get permits to, but we were fortunate to tagged along with another group this last weekend.  So, after five years, I finally visited this little paradise in the desert!

This trip was memorable one.  We met some awesome new people and had some good conversations.  It was a unique opportunity for us to step back and truly remember what matters most.  Too often we get tied into work, school, and technology, that a weekend in pure nature really reminds you of how incredible our world is.  Beautiful places like Havasupai make it really hard to deny God.  He truly has an artistic hand that continues to leave me in disbelief.

I was also grateful for the opportunity I had to try out our new camera.  Ever since I was in high school, I wanted to get into photography (actually considered art school for a while), but never did.  This is just another avenue to take my creative imagination and Havasupai was a perfect place to start!

I wish the pictures could justice for how incredible the falls really were.  There were four different sites we visited and it was the most refreshing, blue, clear water I've ever seen inland.  It is difficult to describe it in words, so I will in pictures instead!

(Video Courtesy of PJ)

When I describe the infinite beauty we experienced, it didn't come without a cost.  After our 6-hour drive, it was an 8-mile hike to the Havasu village and another 2 miles to the campground.  We carried our 3-day packs in the whole way in.  Once we arrived to our campsite, we still have shorter hikes to each waterfall.  In all, we hiked a little over 30 miles in 3 days...  Crazy!!  Riley and I learned that we are not quite the backpacker type haha.  It took a few days to get over the blisters and soreness.

Throughout the weekend, we grew more convinced we were to take the 10-minute helicopter ride out.  We were tired, sore, and hungry.  We were supposed to stay until Monday morning, but decided to leave on Sunday because it started storming.  When the time came to leave, we had all the opportunity in the world to leave in the chopper, but instead we decided to make the 10-mile trek back out.  Luckily, we were able to fly our bags out for $20/bag (best $40 ever spent!!).  

We left with a two friends we met on the trip who happened to be a couple of Hulks that booked it along the trail.  I am concerned that they didn't even break a sweat during the final mile-long vertical up the mountain ha!  I'm so happy we had them with us because they really pushed us and got us to the car in half the time as when we hiked in! 

Despite how difficult it was, I wouldn't have changed a thing.  More than the physical, it was such a great experience for Riley and I as a couple.  Not only was it a completely new and crazy adventure, but we also had to rely on each other more than ever before.  I remember telling Riley while we were hiking back to the car about how happy I was because it was something to say that we did.  It would only hurt for a short amount of time, but in the end we would be grateful we pushed through it... together.  Thus, are some of the trials we face in life.

This trip was truly symbolic of the strength we have in our marriage.  Although it is not ideal, living away from our homes is seriously the best thing we could have done.  Over the last four years, we have learned to rely solely on one another.  If we need a ride, a favor, etc, we have to allocate our own resources to execute whatever we need done.  We have spent a lot of holidays without our families, missed important events, and spent a lot of nights missing the little things.  However, the lessons we have learned about responsibility, hard work, accountability, and independence are worth more than we could have imagined.  The trials we face living on our own can be difficult, but it makes the successes at work and school that much sweeter!

I am sad to see some of my good Omaha friends moving away this year, but I could not be more anxious for them.  If there is one piece of advice that I (I can speak for Riley on this too) would give to a young person/couple, it would be that they need to move away for at least a brief period of time.   My time at Utah State and beyond has allowed me to reach a new level of maturity that I would not have been able to reach otherwise.  All my sisters have lived or are living away from home and I think they would all agree with me on the subject.  I have grown to truly appreciate my home, friends, and family.  I am proud of where I come from and it is always so exciting to go back to visit.  

I think we all need experiences every once and a while that make us step back and examine our lives.  Every now and then, do something that takes you away, reminds you of what truly matters in life.  Something that reminds you of your belief in a higher power and the beauty that we have been blessed with.  I've noticed myself stepping away more from social media this last week and focusing on school, work, etc.  Needless to say, I've been very productive!  I am so grateful for Riley and the loyalty and strength that he has shown me over the last four years.  We have been fortunate to travel together and experience the world together.  As our four year anniversary approaches on the 21st, I can say that I love him more every day and I look forward to more adventures to come.

I shot this at the very end of our hike back to the car.
Remember: No matter how rocky the road, there is always something beautiful about it.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

When I Grow Up

Throughout my life, there have been a number of experiences, people, and events shape who I am today.  My strength, my faith, and my character has been tested many times.  There has been heartbreak as friends and loved ones walked out of my life, as well as joy when new ones walked in.  Many of these experiences have been shared with my big sister and one of my best friends.

For as long as I can remember, I was always in awe of Laura.  I mean, when you were young, what is any cooler than your big sister?   If you would have asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I probably would have said my sister.

She skipped dance and played sports, so I played sports (although volleyball will always be better than softball! hehe), she took Spanish classes, so I took Spanish classes, she worked as a server, so I worked as a server, all the way down to how she used Victoria's Secret "Pink" perfume, so guess what I still use on a daily basis?  I can't say I ever punched the sheriff's daughter though! Haha, just proves how BA she is.

I remember always being jealous of how she could say things to make mom laugh nearly to tears and how I wanted to be that person too- so cheesy, I know.  Although I tested her limits at times, it definitely does not take away from the fact of how much I really loved her.

I love to brag about Laura, because I am so proud of the woman she has become.  Not only does she bust her ass at work in a highly successful career, but she also is an amazing wife and mother.

I remember being so jealous when I heard her and Lasha were getting married.  This was my sister and I didn't want to share her- not to mention when she started having kids that would take her little sister's place!  Haha wow, I sure was naive!

My heart has grown more than I ever could have imagined as her family has grown over the last ten years.  I have been blessed with an amazing brother-in-law that has been like a father to me- always protecting (have you seen his muscles?!) and guiding me when I need it.  Marco and Leona are two of my favorite little babies that have been so fun to watch grow up.  It has been so difficult to live away from them.

So ask me again what I want to be when I grow up. I will still tell you I want to be [more like] my big sister.  I mean, what better of an example do I have to look up to?  

Today and every day, I am extremely grateful for Laura.  Thank you teaching me strength, independence, and loyalty.  I cannot imagine going through some of what we did without you.  Not only have you supported me in all my decisions, no matter how crazy they have sometimes been, but you have lifted me up when I need it the most.  Thank you for always being that example I can look up to and strive to always be.

"Two are better than one... For it they fall, one will lift up the other." 
                                  -Ecclesians 4:9-10

Happy birthday sis!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Home Is Where Mom Is

This Mother's day was pretty special for me.  No, I am not pregnant haha.  BUT I did get to finally spend it with my beautiful mother.  I had a great time with her here in St. George.  I live too far from home, but it is moments like that that I really cherish.  Not to mention, she did a GREAT job cleaning our place haha :) I wouldn't mind having her live with us!

Got a triple pedi with Jersey.  Riley loved having her there haha.

Took a beautiful hike overlooking St. George

Mom helped me plant my veggies and decorate the back patio.  I love it!

Cooled off and relaxed in the pool.

Went to Vegas for the weekend!  Hit up the Paris for some swimming and $15 drinks haha!

Mom stayed up until SIX AM at the casino the night before Mother's Day haha.  She loves her slots!  She did win $300 on one spin, so I'd say she did pretty well for herself!

We went to see Rod Stewart perform at Caesars- AMAZING!  I didn't realize he sang so many classics!  We had a lot of fun seeing his outrageous outfits, dancing, and watching his old lady groupies rocking out haha!

The week was extremely refreshing especially when I cannot see my family very often.  I've started realizing that home isn't much of a place anymore, but it is where my mom, my family, is.  Loved having a little bit of that home here with us!

Mom, I love you.  Thank you for all you do.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Everlasting Beginnings

I thought I would go ahead and post with all the other LDS General Conference trending topics today... Ha.  I ca only imagine the general authorities meeting after conference looking at their phones and competing who had the most popular quotes throughout Twitter, FB, and Instagram haha!

In all seriousness, I really did love this conference.  Perhaps it's because over the last couple years we have always found excuses not to listen, especially on Saturdays.  This weekend was different and there were so many messages that I needed to hear.

Besides from President Monson, I genuinely just love President Uchtdorf.  I established a connection during his April 2008 talk right before I was baptized.  He had recently been called as a counselor in the First Presidency that February.  He spoke of the "Faith of Our Father" and those converts who serve as trailblazers for generations to come.  He has an amazing story and I always look forward to hearing his talks.  I must say, he was on point this weekend, as always!

That same conference was when my desire to be baptized was confirmed.  I will never forget Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk "Born Again."  He stated, "As you continue in the path of spiritual rebirth, the atoning grace of Jesus christ will take away your sins and the stain of those sins in you, temptations will lose their appeal, and through Christ you will become holy, as He and our Heavenly Father are holy."  I know that I feel the Spirit of Christ in my life at that time.  As I continued to seek that spirit, temptations I once had were gone.  I was a pretty "good girl'' anyway, but this made the transition so much easier.

It is so true that there is a message for everyone and every circumstance in these talks.  Here are some of my favorites from this conference:

"There is a crucial difference between the commandment to forgive sin, which Christ had the infinite capacity to do, and the warning against condoning it, which he never did even once.  That pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world because righteousness accompanies it."

"Defend your beliefs with courtesy and compassion, but defend them."
-Jeffery R. Holland

I love this.  So many of us tend to be quick to judgment and anger when it comes to defending our beliefs.  We are not all the same.  Defend your beliefs, but do it in a way that is not offensive towards others.  Instead of pushing them away, try to understand their perspective.  While doing so, invite them to understand yours.  We are never all going to agree in one thing, but we can be courteous about understanding and respecting all beliefs.

"How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God there is rain?"
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Man, do I wish I could have recognized this during some of the challenges I've faced over the last few years!  Be grateful always and find joy in the journey.  In the end, there will always be a lesson learned.

"As we arise each morning, let us determine to respond with more love and kindness to whatever might come our way."
-Thomas S. Monson

The decision is ours.

"One of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions.  He demanded that I not combine the two.  How could I do that? Truth is truth.  It is not divisible and any part of it cannot be set aside...  All truth emanates from God...  I was being asked to hide my faith.  I did not comply with my colleagues' request.  I let my faith show."
-Elder Russell M. Nelson

No matter what setting you are in, do all things according to your convictions.  Stand as an example to others and don't be succumbed by falsities, even if they are popular.

"We are eternal begins; endings are not our destiny... In His Plan there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I am grateful for the peace General Conference brings and the opportunity to hear the words of these inspired men.  They bring so much comfort as we all continue to seek guidance in this life.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Building from Experience

I find it interesting that no matter what age you are, you always think you have it all figured out.  As young as 16, I still remember feeling as though I was right about my entire perspective on the world.  I have come to realize that even at the age of 25, I still don't.  The world isn't always as it seems, so don't always trust what you think is reality.  I was in for a rude awakening this last winter when some turmoil came about professionally.  Although it is not necessary to divulge the details, I have learned some valuable lessons not only about myself, but about some of the sour aspects of business.

For the longest time, I have wanted to lead a successful career.  Ideas of which path to take have been shaped and molded into so many different directions.  Certain mentors and situations were placed along the way to ultimately lead me to want to pursue a career in energy.  In college, you learn the basics about accounting, marketing, operations, etc, but nothing prepares you for personal interactions in the real world until you are in it.  

As the situation progressed, the truth started to be uncovered and more emotions started to surface.  Not only did the stress put a strain on my schoolwork, but also on personal relationships.  At one moment, I lost confidence in myself as a businesswoman.  How could I not have recognized so much of what was actually happening?  I lost the trust of not only my associates, but of myself.  It was ironic because I was going through a very enlightening leadership course while all this was happening.  It really could not have been better timing because I was able to really learn who I was and how I needed to respond.

Throughout many of the conversations I had with close family and friends, there is still one point that sticks out:

You live and you learn.  It is unfortunate to have been exposed to this side of business at such a young age, but use it to your advantage.  This is all apart of your experience; you are building your resume.  Take what you have learned and grow from it.  

With that, I am have learned to be grateful for this challenge.

  • I tend to trust people too much that it is to a fault.  When that trust is broken, the world nearly stops for me.  Be careful with your associations.  Looking back, there were red flags, but because of a strong sense of loyalty and a skewed perspective, I was blinded.  Keep an open mind and have a heightened awareness of what is going on around you.  I ignored the opinions of former colleagues and continued to believe everything was golden.  
  • Money can be one of the greatest blessings, but it can be the root of corruption and deception.  Greed is a nasty addiction that can bring bring out the worst in some of the best people.  We have seen it in some of the greatest downfalls in US history including the financial collapse of 2008.  It is amazing to listen to some of the bios of those executives and the humble beginnings they come from and where they ended up.
  • In the midst of all the craziness, I knew I could go home and sleep soundly on my pillow each night.  The most important thing I have done when it comes to work is to commit myself acting with the utmost integrity.  In the last month, I have seen some amazing transformations.  There is less negativity, more optimism, and we have been able to build a team built on foundations that one can be proud of.  If there are things you don't agree with, failing to act on what you see is wrong is the same as being the cause of the problem.  
  • I have learned that accountability is a rare trait and one that I most admire in leaders.  Someone who can take recognize their faults and mistakes and be willing to face the consequences is an amazing demonstration of a strong character.
  • Get to know who you are and what you stand for.  If your actions are not aligning with your values and standards, do something about it.

God is within her, she will not fall.
Thank you to my amazing support system who helped me cope with this little speed bump in this road I am on.  I am anxious to keep moving forward.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Mister

Three years ago, at the age of 21, I married my sweetheart.  Riley was one of my best friends for about three years leading up to when we started dating.  Nearly everyone back home thought we were crazy and my father, above all, pretty much looked Riley in the eye and told him he would fail...  Not exactly how we pictured it!  Despite the concerns, we tied the knot.

Now I am not going to lie, I was still scared as hell to be on our own.  No matter your age, I think every woman has that worry that perhaps her or her spouse will not be adequate when it comes to supporting their marriage and family.  Being as young as we were, we definitely were not living the high life.  I was just finishing up school at USU and working as a waitress.  Riley's first job was doing window-washing with a buddy in Logan.  Due to the winter season, Riley was forced to look for work elsewhere.  Due to a random sequence of events, he landed a job as a banker at US Bank.  The rest is history and I could not be more proud of this husband of mine.

I cannot begin to explain what a blessing his job as been in our lives.  Riley has been fortunate to work for the top performing branch, district, and regional managers in the company.  Coupled with their amazing guidance, Riley has had some amazing success with the bank.  Not only has he strengthened his sales abilities, but he has also developed as a leader earning the respect of those around him... This includes his wife. :)

In the three and a half years that we have been married, we have been fortunate enough to travel many places together.  Three of these trips have come from Riley's hard work at the bank.  We visited New York City, San Fran, and, most recently, New Orleans.  It has been so amazing to travel with him and to experience these adventures together.  We have made some amazing memories and have seen some beautiful places that we have to look back on.  

New York City 2012
San Francisco 2013
New Orleans 2014
I am so proud of who Riley is becoming and the example he has set for me and our future family- at home, at work, and at school.  Despite his reluctance towards school, he knows how important it is to have an education.  I am looking forward to his graduation by the end of the year.  Riley is one of the hardest workers I know, which I know comes from his parents.  I can't thank them for raising such an amazing companion for me.  Above all, Riley is honest in his dealings and isn't willing to sacrifice his integrity to get ahead.  He has an amazing ability to connect with those around him because they know they can trust him.  I see it every time he interacts with his clients and associates.  Riley is going to think this is super cheesy because he is very modest about himself.  Some call it bragging, but I call it being a proud wife. :)

Riley has been an amazing support for me in my endeavors, and I will do so in return.  He continues to exceed my expectations as his spouse and I cannot wait to carry on with him through this journey we call life.  What a ride it has been!