

Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Mister

Three years ago, at the age of 21, I married my sweetheart.  Riley was one of my best friends for about three years leading up to when we started dating.  Nearly everyone back home thought we were crazy and my father, above all, pretty much looked Riley in the eye and told him he would fail...  Not exactly how we pictured it!  Despite the concerns, we tied the knot.

Now I am not going to lie, I was still scared as hell to be on our own.  No matter your age, I think every woman has that worry that perhaps her or her spouse will not be adequate when it comes to supporting their marriage and family.  Being as young as we were, we definitely were not living the high life.  I was just finishing up school at USU and working as a waitress.  Riley's first job was doing window-washing with a buddy in Logan.  Due to the winter season, Riley was forced to look for work elsewhere.  Due to a random sequence of events, he landed a job as a banker at US Bank.  The rest is history and I could not be more proud of this husband of mine.

I cannot begin to explain what a blessing his job as been in our lives.  Riley has been fortunate to work for the top performing branch, district, and regional managers in the company.  Coupled with their amazing guidance, Riley has had some amazing success with the bank.  Not only has he strengthened his sales abilities, but he has also developed as a leader earning the respect of those around him... This includes his wife. :)

In the three and a half years that we have been married, we have been fortunate enough to travel many places together.  Three of these trips have come from Riley's hard work at the bank.  We visited New York City, San Fran, and, most recently, New Orleans.  It has been so amazing to travel with him and to experience these adventures together.  We have made some amazing memories and have seen some beautiful places that we have to look back on.  

New York City 2012
San Francisco 2013
New Orleans 2014
I am so proud of who Riley is becoming and the example he has set for me and our future family- at home, at work, and at school.  Despite his reluctance towards school, he knows how important it is to have an education.  I am looking forward to his graduation by the end of the year.  Riley is one of the hardest workers I know, which I know comes from his parents.  I can't thank them for raising such an amazing companion for me.  Above all, Riley is honest in his dealings and isn't willing to sacrifice his integrity to get ahead.  He has an amazing ability to connect with those around him because they know they can trust him.  I see it every time he interacts with his clients and associates.  Riley is going to think this is super cheesy because he is very modest about himself.  Some call it bragging, but I call it being a proud wife. :)

Riley has been an amazing support for me in my endeavors, and I will do so in return.  He continues to exceed my expectations as his spouse and I cannot wait to carry on with him through this journey we call life.  What a ride it has been!


  1. Love this!! You two are my favorite!!

    1. Aw thanks, from OUR favorite couple :) Miss ya lil mama!

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