

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Building from Experience

I find it interesting that no matter what age you are, you always think you have it all figured out.  As young as 16, I still remember feeling as though I was right about my entire perspective on the world.  I have come to realize that even at the age of 25, I still don't.  The world isn't always as it seems, so don't always trust what you think is reality.  I was in for a rude awakening this last winter when some turmoil came about professionally.  Although it is not necessary to divulge the details, I have learned some valuable lessons not only about myself, but about some of the sour aspects of business.

For the longest time, I have wanted to lead a successful career.  Ideas of which path to take have been shaped and molded into so many different directions.  Certain mentors and situations were placed along the way to ultimately lead me to want to pursue a career in energy.  In college, you learn the basics about accounting, marketing, operations, etc, but nothing prepares you for personal interactions in the real world until you are in it.  

As the situation progressed, the truth started to be uncovered and more emotions started to surface.  Not only did the stress put a strain on my schoolwork, but also on personal relationships.  At one moment, I lost confidence in myself as a businesswoman.  How could I not have recognized so much of what was actually happening?  I lost the trust of not only my associates, but of myself.  It was ironic because I was going through a very enlightening leadership course while all this was happening.  It really could not have been better timing because I was able to really learn who I was and how I needed to respond.

Throughout many of the conversations I had with close family and friends, there is still one point that sticks out:

You live and you learn.  It is unfortunate to have been exposed to this side of business at such a young age, but use it to your advantage.  This is all apart of your experience; you are building your resume.  Take what you have learned and grow from it.  

With that, I am have learned to be grateful for this challenge.

  • I tend to trust people too much that it is to a fault.  When that trust is broken, the world nearly stops for me.  Be careful with your associations.  Looking back, there were red flags, but because of a strong sense of loyalty and a skewed perspective, I was blinded.  Keep an open mind and have a heightened awareness of what is going on around you.  I ignored the opinions of former colleagues and continued to believe everything was golden.  
  • Money can be one of the greatest blessings, but it can be the root of corruption and deception.  Greed is a nasty addiction that can bring bring out the worst in some of the best people.  We have seen it in some of the greatest downfalls in US history including the financial collapse of 2008.  It is amazing to listen to some of the bios of those executives and the humble beginnings they come from and where they ended up.
  • In the midst of all the craziness, I knew I could go home and sleep soundly on my pillow each night.  The most important thing I have done when it comes to work is to commit myself acting with the utmost integrity.  In the last month, I have seen some amazing transformations.  There is less negativity, more optimism, and we have been able to build a team built on foundations that one can be proud of.  If there are things you don't agree with, failing to act on what you see is wrong is the same as being the cause of the problem.  
  • I have learned that accountability is a rare trait and one that I most admire in leaders.  Someone who can take recognize their faults and mistakes and be willing to face the consequences is an amazing demonstration of a strong character.
  • Get to know who you are and what you stand for.  If your actions are not aligning with your values and standards, do something about it.

God is within her, she will not fall.
Thank you to my amazing support system who helped me cope with this little speed bump in this road I am on.  I am anxious to keep moving forward.

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