

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Everlasting Beginnings

I thought I would go ahead and post with all the other LDS General Conference trending topics today... Ha.  I ca only imagine the general authorities meeting after conference looking at their phones and competing who had the most popular quotes throughout Twitter, FB, and Instagram haha!

In all seriousness, I really did love this conference.  Perhaps it's because over the last couple years we have always found excuses not to listen, especially on Saturdays.  This weekend was different and there were so many messages that I needed to hear.

Besides from President Monson, I genuinely just love President Uchtdorf.  I established a connection during his April 2008 talk right before I was baptized.  He had recently been called as a counselor in the First Presidency that February.  He spoke of the "Faith of Our Father" and those converts who serve as trailblazers for generations to come.  He has an amazing story and I always look forward to hearing his talks.  I must say, he was on point this weekend, as always!

That same conference was when my desire to be baptized was confirmed.  I will never forget Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk "Born Again."  He stated, "As you continue in the path of spiritual rebirth, the atoning grace of Jesus christ will take away your sins and the stain of those sins in you, temptations will lose their appeal, and through Christ you will become holy, as He and our Heavenly Father are holy."  I know that I feel the Spirit of Christ in my life at that time.  As I continued to seek that spirit, temptations I once had were gone.  I was a pretty "good girl'' anyway, but this made the transition so much easier.

It is so true that there is a message for everyone and every circumstance in these talks.  Here are some of my favorites from this conference:

"There is a crucial difference between the commandment to forgive sin, which Christ had the infinite capacity to do, and the warning against condoning it, which he never did even once.  That pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world because righteousness accompanies it."

"Defend your beliefs with courtesy and compassion, but defend them."
-Jeffery R. Holland

I love this.  So many of us tend to be quick to judgment and anger when it comes to defending our beliefs.  We are not all the same.  Defend your beliefs, but do it in a way that is not offensive towards others.  Instead of pushing them away, try to understand their perspective.  While doing so, invite them to understand yours.  We are never all going to agree in one thing, but we can be courteous about understanding and respecting all beliefs.

"How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God there is rain?"
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Man, do I wish I could have recognized this during some of the challenges I've faced over the last few years!  Be grateful always and find joy in the journey.  In the end, there will always be a lesson learned.

"As we arise each morning, let us determine to respond with more love and kindness to whatever might come our way."
-Thomas S. Monson

The decision is ours.

"One of my medical faculty colleagues chastised me for failing to separate my professional knowledge from my religious convictions.  He demanded that I not combine the two.  How could I do that? Truth is truth.  It is not divisible and any part of it cannot be set aside...  All truth emanates from God...  I was being asked to hide my faith.  I did not comply with my colleagues' request.  I let my faith show."
-Elder Russell M. Nelson

No matter what setting you are in, do all things according to your convictions.  Stand as an example to others and don't be succumbed by falsities, even if they are popular.

"We are eternal begins; endings are not our destiny... In His Plan there are no true endings, only everlasting beginnings."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I am grateful for the peace General Conference brings and the opportunity to hear the words of these inspired men.  They bring so much comfort as we all continue to seek guidance in this life.

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