

Sunday, July 20, 2014

When I Grow Up

Throughout my life, there have been a number of experiences, people, and events shape who I am today.  My strength, my faith, and my character has been tested many times.  There has been heartbreak as friends and loved ones walked out of my life, as well as joy when new ones walked in.  Many of these experiences have been shared with my big sister and one of my best friends.

For as long as I can remember, I was always in awe of Laura.  I mean, when you were young, what is any cooler than your big sister?   If you would have asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I probably would have said my sister.

She skipped dance and played sports, so I played sports (although volleyball will always be better than softball! hehe), she took Spanish classes, so I took Spanish classes, she worked as a server, so I worked as a server, all the way down to how she used Victoria's Secret "Pink" perfume, so guess what I still use on a daily basis?  I can't say I ever punched the sheriff's daughter though! Haha, just proves how BA she is.

I remember always being jealous of how she could say things to make mom laugh nearly to tears and how I wanted to be that person too- so cheesy, I know.  Although I tested her limits at times, it definitely does not take away from the fact of how much I really loved her.

I love to brag about Laura, because I am so proud of the woman she has become.  Not only does she bust her ass at work in a highly successful career, but she also is an amazing wife and mother.

I remember being so jealous when I heard her and Lasha were getting married.  This was my sister and I didn't want to share her- not to mention when she started having kids that would take her little sister's place!  Haha wow, I sure was naive!

My heart has grown more than I ever could have imagined as her family has grown over the last ten years.  I have been blessed with an amazing brother-in-law that has been like a father to me- always protecting (have you seen his muscles?!) and guiding me when I need it.  Marco and Leona are two of my favorite little babies that have been so fun to watch grow up.  It has been so difficult to live away from them.

So ask me again what I want to be when I grow up. I will still tell you I want to be [more like] my big sister.  I mean, what better of an example do I have to look up to?  

Today and every day, I am extremely grateful for Laura.  Thank you teaching me strength, independence, and loyalty.  I cannot imagine going through some of what we did without you.  Not only have you supported me in all my decisions, no matter how crazy they have sometimes been, but you have lifted me up when I need it the most.  Thank you for always being that example I can look up to and strive to always be.

"Two are better than one... For it they fall, one will lift up the other." 
                                  -Ecclesians 4:9-10

Happy birthday sis!

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