

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Eat, Sleep, Burpees, Repeat: Conquering The Beast


Alright, let me explain... As many of you are aware, our team recently ran the Spartan Beast race in Temcula aka "Hellmecula", CA.  The course was 13 miles, and didn't lack any hills... or should I say mountains!  It was packed with 30+ obstacles anywhere from mud pits, monkey bars, rope climbs, barb wire crawl, and of course, the spear throw.  And if you couldn't successfully complete an obstacle, you were required to do 30 burpees!

If you would have told me six months ago that I would be completing this race by the end of the year, I would have looked at you like you were crazy.  Despite a long history running several miles a week, I really lost my motivation to run long distance in sunny, HOT, HOT St. George.  The transition from speed to endurance training was pretty difficult, but it has paid off.  

During the race, you meet strangers from all over.  The first question was always "is this your first race?" Well, yes.  And the follow-up response was always "Why did you choose the Beast in TEMECULA?"  haha guess I didn't quite know what I was getting into... 

Looking back, that race was the of of the hardest things I have ever done.  It took every physical, mental, and emotional strength I had to get through it.  In fact, at the 7-mile mark, I was completely drained.  I couldn't even get my legs to move if I tried.  Then my angel, my boo, Robin, swooped me up with a nut bar that sustained me for the final treacherous 6 miles!  Shout out to Ann, Rob, Steph, and Jon who finished that race with me!  I couldn't have finished without you guys!

It was extremely difficult six hours, but there was nothing sweeter than crossing that finish line with my team.  Whatever you think you CAN'T do, think again... It’s better to look back on life and say: “I can’t believe I did that.” than to look back and say: “I wish I did that.”

Since it was my first race, I learned a lot about the do's and don'ts for our next race (and yes, there is a next time ha).  You live and you learn and here are some takeaways from the past summer:

1 // Mind Over Matter

The training involved with this race was pretty intense, but the physical obstacles were not the toughest aspects to overcome.  As much of the training and race physical, the mental aspect plays a significant role in race prep.  You can only go as far as your mind can take you.  

A lot of this preparation took me back to high school track when Coach Lewis would make us write down our goals and visualize our races.  I didn't appreciate that as much back then, but I certainly do now that I more fully understand the power of visualization and positive affirmations.  There is something extremely powerful about our minds; it's up to us to unlock its potential. 


Team Maximus 300- what can I say?  I have met some pretty amazing women in my life and these girls are way up there.  

You would think with a group of women this large, together 4-6 days out the week for months on end, that there would be some sort of drama right?  Wrong.  I am so very grateful to be surrounded by such a supportive, encouraging, inspirational group of women.  There is no judgement.  There is no tension.  We all have our struggles, but there isn't anything we go through that another can't help.  

This group comes from diverse set of backgrounds, all have different family-life situations, etc, but we all have one common goal: to come together to help each other strive to be better every single day.  

Ladies:  I have nothing but the utmost respect for each of you.  Thank you for being such a great example of how women should carry themselves and accept one another.  As Ronda Rousey would say, we are no DNB's!  

There are only a few of us in the group that do not have kids.  So, to you ladies with kids: who are working full-time, raising a family, AND making time for yourself- THANK YOU... For proving to me that women truly can do it all.  Although I still am not quite on the baby train yet, my perspective of motherhood has changed this past summer.  I used to fear it- not because of the whole "not wanting to give up my body" argument, but more that I am afraid to lose my freedom and I'm afraid that I will have to sacrifice certain.  I want time for a career, I want time for my husband, and I want time for bettering myself.  That fear is no longer there because I see you amazingly strong women do it every day.  I love Amie's saying that all these kiddos have "20 moms" because it is true.  It is so fun to see these sweet babes every day and watch the interaction with their moms. 

Thank you AMIE for leading this pack and helping us to believe our bodies are made for more when we sometimes cannot see it ourselves.  Your leadership inspires me.  And I must say, I have done more burpees in the last four months than I have in my entire life haha!

For this training regimen and this style of race, you have to have a supportive team.  I choose to surround myself with women who empower me; who make me get my ass moving when I don't want to; who hold me accountable; who make me do hard things.  


3 // If You Can't Change Your Circumstances, Change Your Perspective

Without even realizing it, this team has saved me in more ways than one.  The beginning of this year was pretty rough for me.  I had just come out of an 18-month graduate program that took up a lot of my time.  When you're as busy as my cohort was for that length of time, it is a pretty big change to suddenly have so much free time- I know, horrible right?  Well, kind of for me.  

I remember constantly feeling as though I was no longer progressing, no longer striving for something.  I reached my goal of finishing undergrad, graduate school, maxed out at my job, etc.  This was a big struggle for me.  I was constantly seeking knowledge: listening to podcasts, reading books, searching for community involvement, but it never was quite enough.  It wasn't until the spring time that I really started to focus on how could I change things to make me more content in St. George (hours from family).  

Anyone know about the law of attraction?  Well, it's real.  I was constantly seeking out opportunities to distract myself from homesickness, stress, and other personal issues; in that search, I found these girls and I couldn't be more grateful.  

Training for the Spartan race gave a a purpose for my workouts and kept me motivated daily.  Not to mention, I am doing it in good company.  

If you are unhappy about your current situation, change it.  You may not be able to change your circumstances, but you certainly can change your perspective.  I am loving and taking advantage of our time here in St. George now more than ever.  YOU choose your happy.

4 // Train For Performance And Aesthetics Will Follow

Why do I exercise?  I won't lie, I want to look good- who doesn't?  I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and the physical aspect has a lot to with that confidence.  I never really struggle with being overweight, but always struggled with "tall and scrawny" haha.  Side note:  my physical therapist says I do "suffer" from "long femur"- yep, that IS a thing! ;)  

Anyway, for the past few years, I was more focused on the aesthetics coming out of my workouts.  I've realized that if you are only going for looks, you won't succeed.  Over the past few months, I have learned to train for performance and then the aesthetics will follow.  Of course it I try to watch my progress aesthetically, but as long as I feel good and the accomplishing the routines, I am satisfied.  

After several years of being ill with chronic staph, I couldn't be more grateful to be at a point where I am now.  To be able to go months without having to take breaks because of a weakened immune system has felt incredible.  A year ago I made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle.  Since that time, I am stronger and healthier now than ever before.

I don't know what my weight is and I've never measured myself, but I can bust out a 13-mile OCR without dying haha.  To me, that is a success and whatever follows is an added bonus.

5 // Find Balance

I have always placed high priority on self-improvement and personal development.  Perhaps one of my favorite things about training with Amie is her focus on three things: mind, body, and soul.  As much as we work to feed our bodies, feeding our minds and souls are just as, if not more, important.  

I have seen it too much where people, particularly women, lose themselves in fitness.  Whether it be constant bra/undie body pics on social media all the way to leaving their significant other, women tend to lose sight of their true beauty.  

Find a balance in your priorities.  If you can't make it to a workout, just kill it even more at the next session- there will always be a next time.

We can have the perfect bodies, but without having good hearts and the willingness to serve others, we are nothing.  We all progress in our own way, just don't forget who you are.  

So... What's Next?

If Temecula wasn't crazy enough, our team to competing in the Sacramento Super and Sprint weekend in November.  A few of of will be racing to complete our TRIFECTA (finish all three race levels in one year)!  Here's to ending 2015 with a bang!  


I can't end this post without giving a shoutout to my hubby!  He has been an incredible support through this process.  Anywhere from late nights with the girls to financial expenses to spectating in the 100 degree sun for an entire day- this guy has done it all.  Riley's had to put up with a lot of my crazy adventures and I couldn't be more grateful to have such a great partner in this life.

I am pleased to announce that he will be running the Spartan Sprint with us in November!  So excited to share this experience with him.  Thanks for all you do baby boo!  

Thanks to the rest of my family and friends who have supported me (and the rest of the team) over this past summer- You all are amazing!!


1 comment:

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