

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Last month, my mother hit one of the greatest milestones in her life.  Although it hasn't quite sunk in for me yet, Mom's 41 years at Woodmen of the World came to an end.  For those of who don't know, this a woman who started in the cafeteria and worked her way up- how cool is that?!  Words cannot describe how important my mom is to me.  I am so proud of her and the mother she has been to me these last 25 years.  I am grateful to have been home for the occasion- it was definitely bittersweet.

I am happy to know that she will have more time to herself; however, for those who know my mom, she is one of the most selfless, thoughtful people you will ever meet.  Whenever someone is in need, whether she knows you very well or not, she will be there with homemade chocolate chip cookies or a broom to clean your house.  She will always find something to do or someone to help, therefore, I anticipate much of her retirement being fulfilled the latter.

I am eternally grateful for the example she has set for me as a woman.  Despite her extremely kind heart, she has encountered difficult times in her life.  In the face of these challenges, she has always stayed strong, especially for her two daughters.  I remember the late nights at work like it was yesterday.  Since I was too stubborn to move to Omaha after the divorce and Laura was still in high school, mom continued to make the hour drive to and from work every day.  I want to say she did this for about 17 years.  Despite the long day, she would still make it home to cook dinner and she never missed a sporting event!  I tend to struggle with the notion that you must be a stay-at-home mom to raise your children to be upright.  Well, my mother is living proof that you can have a career and maintain a household all a once.  I think my sister and I turned out pretty dang good. ;)  I want children... some day; however, unless Riley becomes some sort of millionaire, I will continue to pursue my career goals as well.

Mom's retirement was a milestone for myself and Laura as well.  Us three curly-haired girls have been through a lot together and have only come out stronger because of it.  I always remember how independent we all were growing up.  There were issues we had to deal with and lessons to learn at a very young age.  We learned how to work hard and take care of ourselves.  I have noticed that Laura has taken on many amazing traits as both a mother and a businesswoman.  She is extremely successful in her current position and will continue to do so.  These two women are such great examples to me to be successful.  I hope that one day I can live up to at least half of what they are.  Gosh, I love them.

Mom has taught me some amazing life lessons that I have carried with me.  I remember a particular issue a few years ago that I was struggling with.  The problem was not solving itself and she recommended I take care.  I asked her why I always had to be the bigger person.  Her reply:
"Jenny, that's just who we are."
Being the modest woman she is, she will think I am cheesy for mentioning it.  However, those words held great power and I will never forget that conversation.  No matter how unfair something may seem or how wronged you may feel, always be the bigger person.  Mom has demonstrated that in her own life as well.

Mom is one incredible woman that I could not imagine living life without.  I am anxious for her to start this new chapter in her life.  She will be able to spend more time with her beloved grandchildren and focus on things she loves to do.  I am grateful for all those who have stuck by our side through the years.  There was such an amazing support system at her retirement party as she said her goodbyes.  You know your mother has made an impression when there was a line leading out the door and down the hallway.  It sure has been a good run for her and it has been rewarding to be apart of.

Thank you mom.

By the way, I had to post this from when she repelled 30 stories down the Woodmen tower to raise money for the Boy Scouts of America.  One more reason why she is the coolest.


  1. What a great tribute to a wonderful, mom, friend, and sister! I love this woman!

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