

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Love For the Ages

A little over a year ago, we almost lost a very good family friend- my second grandmother.  She had an infection that went septic in her body and it was an absolute miracle she lived.  There are no words how I felt two Decembers ago seeing Maryann in a hospital bed, hooked up to ventilator and various other machines.  Her face was hollow and the life and energy that once embodied her was no longer there.  Communication was limited and mobility non-existent.

Fast forward to this past Christmas.  Maryann progressed significantly over the year, with a few mishaps.  Nonetheless, she was off her feeding tube, very talkative and alert.  Her husband of 48 years would come visit her at the assisted living facility twice a day and, of course, brought their dogs up to visit.  Harley never left without saying prayers, leaving a funny note, and a kiss goodbye.

Since being home in December, Harley's cancer he had been battling on and off for 18 years progressed significantly.  In most recent weeks, he grew exceedingly weak and frail, oftentimes not making it up to see Maryann.  Hospice was called in and it became a matter of waiting.

I think one of the hardest things about death is the change that comes with it. Maryann and Harley held me as a baby and practically raised me for the first portion of my childhood.  They attended our family parties, birthdays, and sporting events.  Every time we visited Omaha over the last five years, we never missed the chance to see them. Harley was just one of those staples in my life who was just always there. That changed yesterday, leaving behind his sweetheart. 

With the recent passing of Valentine's Day, I have thought so much about this sweet couple; how they just made love seem so effortless.  I have always looked to them as a perfect example of love. The perfect mix of firecracker and sweet. 

One of my favorite things about these two were their love for dogs.  I remember when they first got Mitzie.  We took her over to Grandpa's house to meet him- and as a little girl, I was so excited! Fast forward to the years after Mitzie: the week before last Christmas, Harley told my mom that he would be driving a couple hours away to "take care of something."  Maryann looked at him with a huge grin as they both acknowledged their secret.  Not long after, Harley walked in with their new Pomeranian!  Harley was quite the stinker, but I love how even in his final days, he was still a kid at heart trying to make his wife happy.

Harley was always working on the next project.  "Mr. Fix It" built his wife her dream porch that evolved over the years.  Visits started in their kitchen decorated with Maryann's favorite animal, pigs! Any man who allows their home to be overrun with pigs is a good one. Later, these visits evolved to their screened in porch which became quite the hot spot for all the birds and squirrels in town!

Above all, Maryann and Harley are two of the most Christlike individuals I have ever met; faithful to the Lord and to one another.  Despite trials throughout their life, they always turned to the Lord.  As a kid, I remember every meal began with grace.  Anyone who Maryann babysat knows it still- "Come Lord Jesus be our guest..."- y'all know the rest.  Maryann's staff was amazing enough to get her out of her assisted living facility this past week to see her husband one last time, saying their prayers before they parted.  I cannot describe how heart wrenching it was that day thinking about their final moments together.

Love has become so distorted these days, marriage mocked, and the idea of a being in a lifelong committed relationship is often scorned.  How grateful I am to have witnessed such a strong marriage.  My only hope is that Riley and I can emulate their relationship as we grow old.

There are love stories, and this is one of my favorites.  A love for the ages.  A love that is memorable, lasting.

"Poetry, she thought, wasn't written to be analyzed.; it was meant to inspire without reason, to touch without understanding."  -Nicolas Sparks

Thus can be said the same for love.  Don't over-analyze; don't attempt to fully understand it.

For all you young'ns, don't take your elders for granted.  They will not be there forever.  You will understand as you get older how important they are in your life.

To one of the liveliest, most faithful, hard-working men I know... Until we meet again.  For now, you will be missed.
